Shalate Drop-in Centre

When the HIV/AIDS endemic left many children orphaned or in the care of abusive relatives, careless guardians or grandparents too old to properly attend to their needs, Mama Dorah volunteered her heart and home to address society’s ills. She started the Shalate Drop-in Centre in May 2006 and put her Primary Teachers Certificate to work providing children in her care not only with a safe and loving home but also the education that they need to progress in society.

But that was not her only concern the high teen pregnancy rate left young mothers ill-equipped and underfunded, and she set out to educate and assist them in any way she can. Her centre currently provides a haven to around 120 children, and she ensures that all the kids have a healthy meal and regularly attends school. Her goal is to protect children against all forms of abuse, and in her community, she provides hope to the hopeless.


CMA provided skills training to 64
Mama transferred skills to 255
Mama provides employment to 75


Cooking, Catering
Flower arranging


Joined CMA: May 2008
Children in her care: 194
Elderly in her care: 29
Outreach programme: 156

Facts about Mama Dorah

Shalate Drop-in Centre
Seshego, Limpopo

  • Nationality and Language:
South African | Sepedi
  • Date of Birth:
4 July 1956
  • Marital Status:
  • Own Children:
3 children


2012 – Clover Mama Afrika “Hygiene & Cleanliness” Award
2013 – Clover Mama Afrika “Hygiene & Cleanliness” Award
2014 – Clover Mama Afrika Hygiene & Cleanliness Award – winner
2014 – Clover Mama Afrika Most Improved Award – winner
2016 – Clover Mama Afrika Hygiene & Cleanliness Award – winner
2017 – Clover Mama Afrika Top Cleanliness & Hygiene Award – winner
2018 – Clover Mama Afrika Top Cleanliness & Hygiene Award – winner
2018 – Clover Mama Afrika / MiX Telematics Madiba Week 2018 – winner
2019 – Clover mama Afrika “Most Improved”
2019 – Clover Mama Afrika “Hygiene & Cleanliness” Award – runner up
2020 – Clover Mama Afrika “Hygiene & Cleanliness” Award – runner up
2021 – Clover Mama Afrika “Ultimate Hygiene & Cleanliness” Award

“Education is the key to life and knowledge is power. We need to listen, to respect and to be dedicated and committed in all that we do.”