Bahle Care Centre

Mama Phumelele Mtshali is a qualified nurse, and the perfect successor to carry on the work that Mama Bahle started and Mama Eunice continued at the Bahle Care Centre. Their core focus remains to provide care to the elderly that society has forgotten, but their door is always open to the vulnerable in Umlazi and they now also provide care to younger people affected by HIV/AIDS.

Her skills list includes being a manager, administrator, nurse, teacher, counsellor, and mentor, but since becoming a Clover Mama Afrika, she has steadily been increasing her skills offering and transferring these new skills to her community. Not only has she carried on with the great work the centre had already been doing, but Mama Phumelele and her team also have an outreach programme that provides care and a hot meal to more than 1500 community members.


CMA provided skills training to 109
Mama transferred skills to 755
Mama provides employment to 4


Bread baking
Cooking & baking
Crocheting and knitting
Flower arranging
Food gardens


Joined CMA: August 2014
Children in her care: 500
Elderly in her care: > 1000
Outreach: 0

Facts about Mama Phumelele

Bahle Care Centre
Umlazi, KwaZulu Natal


  • Nationality and Language:
  • Date of Birth:
8 March 1952
  • Marital Status:
  • Own Children:
2 children


2013 – Clover Mama Afrika/Bernina sewing competition – runner up
2016 – Won a tablet courtesy of Unicode Systems
2018 – Clover Mama Afrika Most Improved Award – winner
2018 – How Will Technology Help You? competition – Won a laptop courtesy of Unicode Systems

Empowering the elderly

to become independent and promote primary healthcare to all is my primary focus.”