Serves 8
375ml Cake Flour
5ml Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
5ml Bicarbonate of Soda
5ml Vanilla
75ml Butter
250ml Sugar
250ml Boiling Water
350ml Dates – chopped in half
75ml Pecan Nuts – chopped
1 Egg
100ml Butter
250ml Soft Brown Sugar
250ml Fresh Cream

- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Mix dates with bicarbonate of soda in a bowl – add the boiling water and mix – let it cool.
- Cream the sugar and butter – add egg and mix well.
- Sift flour, baking powder, and salt over the egg mixture.
- Add nuts and vanilla – mix well.
- Add the dates mixture and mix well.
- Pour into bread pan.
- Bake for 1 hour – test whether it is ready before removing from oven.
For Syrup:
- Place brown sugar, fresh cream, and butter together in a pot, cook over low heat, and let boil for 15 minutes – watch over it at all times.
- Pour syrup over the bread whilst it is still in the bread pan – let the bread absorb the syrup.
- Serve with butter – or eat as is (it really tastes like a cake).